Monday, October 6, 2014

Essential Oils - Part Two - What An Education

After still more hours of researching I have come to the conclusion that I do only want first distillation and the finest distillation in my home. Whether it's cleaning, beauty products, or to treat illnesses/scrapes, I want the best essential oils.

With that being said, I did sign up to use doTerra products. There are local classes I can take, tons of information on-line, and I have a wellness advocate I can consult. The products are continually quality checked and receive high marks on purity. Plus, I have now ingested(!!!) some for health benefits.

Internally I use them to help settle an upset or bloated stomach with remarkable success.
I have used them topically on animal scratches, blisters, and other sores (on my husband too!).
I use them aromatically (diffused) for a clean scent, healing properties, and mood lifters.

I love using an "Owie" solution for my 15 month old son. It relieves him of itching from bug bites and heals animal scratches quickly.

The doTerra brand is a little more expensive than the oils I've purchased in the past, but they are worth it. The pureness and quality of the oils sold me on them. The plants are distilled in their indigenous region - which helps with purity and quality.

If you have questions about essential oils please let me know. If you'd like to order essential oils, let me know, as I am also a Wellness Advocate for doTerra - I love getting my oils at cost and I love educating people on the oils.

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